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Y-CAN Students Present On The Main Stage at COY16














Ahead of the COP26 climate negotiations that commenced in Glasgow this week, six Y-CAN students attended Conference of Youth (COY16), the world’s largest annual youth gathering on climate change, organised by the United Nations YOUNGO. During online learning, the Y-CAN students took part in the En-ROADS Climate Workshop. En-ROADS is a simulation model that explores real-world strategies to address climate change. The pupils were able to trial their own experiments and scenarios and get immediate feedback on the likely impacts. The six students were invited to represent the Youth Climate Action Network and present a climate workshop on the main stage, entitled "Understanding Climate Action Through the En-Roads Model" followed by questions and answers with the packed audience.




















Below we hear from Rafa:

"We were thrilled to present on the main stage to a large audience of international COY16 attendees at the University of Strathclyde. The presentation was a success; having an audience with already deep prior knowledge meant that the conversations following the introduction of the simulator, were challenging and addressed a range of challenges in solving climate change.”


















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