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Ideas To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

What can you do as an individual?


Fly less


Drive Electric


Wear clothes to last (avoid fast fashion)


Repair and reuse


Eat more plant-based food


Walk and Cycle More


Cut your food waste


Talk about ideas with your friends


Bring your own bag 


Drive less


Buy Vintage/second hand clothing


Buy Recycled material clothing


Drive smoother (use less harsh braking)


Plan routes and journeys to be more efficient 




What can you do as a household?


Insulate your home


Dial it down (turn down heating at home)


Switch to renewable energy 


Eat seasonal


Get locally produced and plant based meals


Lights off in rooms not using 


Plan meals to reduce waste


Freeze left-overs


Compost food waste


Wash clothes in cold water


Avoid items with excess packaging


Energy audit your home (track energy consumption)


Change bulbs to LED


Install low flow shower heads


When voting politically also consider green agendas




What can you do as a school/business/community?


Voice changes you think could be made at your school (speak up)


Switch to renewable energy (solar panels/wind)


Local produce and plant-based meals in canteen






Eat seasonal produce


Avoid items with excess packaging


Use "Energy Star" certified goods which are more energy efficient


Change bulbs to LED


Sign up to clean/green energy suppliers


Support companies with real environmental and sustainably policies


Off set your emissions







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